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Focus! How To Get More Done

How often do you find yourself with a daunting list of things to accomplish? I don’t know about you, but when this happens, I tend to get a bit foggy. I get lost in the pressure, weighed down by the density of work hovering and have to quickly re-center myself so I can focus on specific tasks at hand. “Make progress”, I tell myself. “Take it step by step. Just keep going.”

Sometimes you just need a few simple tricks to get back on track.

Being an overachiever doesn’t help either. People like us create that crazy list to do because our aspirations are so great. Our expectations of what we can achieve are always being tested – by no one other than us! Others may tell us to slow down (and that’s often good advice) but we just keep driving to that next milestone.

“Life hacks” I’ve been enjoying quite a bit. There are a series of Ted Talks – Life Hacks to Improve Your Life on them, a handful of blogs (like, which is awesome), and even a bunch of infographics designed to give us quick shortcuts and paradigm checks to make life easier. If you haven’t explored them, do spend some time with Google to see what you can find. There are tons to keep you distracted…I mean get you refocused.

In the mean time, this infographic appeared to me while procrastinating starting on another task. That lead to me wanting to share. Now that I have, it’s back to work…using these tips.

Image: How to work fast by Ana Vital

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