The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) defines career readiness as “the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace.” As one of the leaders in professional and personal development content for students, Exploring Your Potential (EYP) incorporates all of NACE’s foundational competencies throughout all four courses, making sure the graduates are certified as career-ready.
NACE Competencies for Career-Readiness in EYP Courses

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:
Exemplify sound reasoning by being able to effectively research, analyze, interpret, make clear decisions, and solve problems using originality and inventiveness.
Course 4: Module 1: Major Life Decisions is an entire module dedicated to helping students learn how to really utilize and enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills in real life situations, so they can make decisions that are really in alignment with their values, wants, and needs in all major areas of their lives: education, career, location, family, finances, etc.

Oral and Written Communications:
Effectively and clearly share ideas and concepts with others via written and oral communication skills.
Course 3: Module 1: Tell Your Story is all about learning how to not just be a good communicator, but an excellent one. Students are taught how to share their own story and aspirations in a way that they get the interview, get the job, and most importantly make a strong, positive, lasting impression.

Teamwork and Collaboration:
Exemplify sound reasoning by being able to effectively research, analyze, interpret, make clear decisions, and solve problems using originality and inventiveness.
Course 4: Module 1: Major Life Decisions is an entire module dedicated to helping students learn how to really utilize and enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills in real life situations, so they can make decisions that are really in alignment with their values, wants, and needs in all major areas of their lives: education, career, location, family, finances, etc.

Digital Technology:
Effectively adapts to, and uses, new and emerging technologies in order to solve problems and accomplish goals.
Course 1: Module 5: The Power of Information reinforces and encourages students to use varied methods of technology for research, communication, problem-solving, and goal attainment.

Strong use of interpersonal skills to coach, develop, and inspire others. Leaders demonstrate clear ability to guide, motivate, organize, prioritize, and delegate for the betterment of the whole team.
Course 4: Module 5: Be a Leader encourages students to step up and take a leadership role in at least one area of their lives. Students learn what it means to be a true leader and what qualities and characteristics are needed in such a role, from dealing with interpersonal dynamics with colleagues to creating organized strategic plans.

Professionalism and Work Ethic:
Individual demonstrates personal accountability and responsibility, effective work habits, ethical behavior, learns from his/her mistakes, and acts with the interest of the larger community in mind.
Course 2: Module 4: Core Competencies teaches students about the top competencies and soft skills that are paramount in business today. Self-assessments are done for each of these categories, so the students know what they excel at and what they need to improve on.

Career Management:
Ability to see various career opportunities, articulately self-advocate one’s skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant to the position desired. Also possesses the self-awareness to identify areas where growth or new skills are needed.
So much of EYP is centered around this topic! Course 1: Module 4: Opportunity Spectrum helps them see beyond the obvious choices in front of them so they can engage in a much wider array of possibilities for their careers. Course 2: Module 1: What Do You Have to Offer? teaches students how to get clear on what their assets and liabilities are so they can utilize those to their advantage.

Global and Intercultural Fluency:
Demonstrates openness, inclusiveness, cultural sensitivity, and ability to interact respectfully with diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and religions.
Course 3: Module 6: Cultivate Professional Relationships takes our students to the international scene immediately. They learn the importance of knowing about various cultures and their different traditions, as well as importance—and excitement—of being open to new people and places all over the world.
EYP truly bridges the gap between the world of academia and the real world.
Our graduates don’t just finish the program with a clear knowing of what they want from their careers and their lives, they also now have the skills to make those dreams a reality. From interpersonal communication to salary negotiation to managing and raising capital, our students are confident in who they are and what they bring to the table.