EYP is a cloud-based career readiness program that operates on an independent Moodle LMS. It does not have an on-premise option available. Exploring Your Potential™ is the product offering of EYP Ventures Inc. (est. August 2018) and is backed by venture capital company, Nordic Eye. Exploring Your Potential™ was developed by Jennifer Kushell of YSN and was previously offered by YSN prior to VC investment.

Frequently Asked Questions
Exploring Your Potential™ (EYP)
Jennifer Kushell is a New York Times best-selling author and globally recognized thought leader on youth employment and entrepreneurship. She is an advisor to the UN, the U.S. State Department, the Global Entrepreneurship Program, numerous NGOs, youth leadership organizations, Fortune 500 companies, and industry associations.

Technical Point of Contact
Contact us with any techinical questions info@exploringyourpotential.com
Costs related to the implementation and renewal of EYP will be detailed in the contract between EYP Ventures, Inc. and its partnering academic institution.
User Access
Who has access to data?
Access to data is limited to instructors, teaching assistants, facilitators and EYP support personnel. A primary contact can be appointed and provided full access to all student data across multiple instructors. Instructors and TA’s are limited to only their group(s) of students data.
What type of demographic information is asked?
Optional demographic information is asked during account creation, or at first login, and the following information is requested:
- Birth Year
- First Generation Student
- How you define your ethnicity
- Employment Status
- Military Experience
- Graduation Year
- Student Type
Do you store credit card information?
If the student requires purchasing EYP, then credit card information is processed by Stripe, our merchant and gateway vendor. EYP Ventures Inc. does not store nor does it have access to credit card information.
Where is data stored?
EYP data is stored with AWS (Amazon Web Services) with servers in the US and Canada.
Data Transfer
If desired by instructor or institution, with LTI integration grades can be transferred from EYP’s LMS to the academic institution’s LMS.
Data Use
EYP will use and may sell anonymous collective student outcome data from its Pre-Surveys, Post-Surveys, Reflective Questions, and some quantitative exercise questions for the on-going measurement of program efficacy, program enhancements, marketing material, and performance indicators to company shareholders.
EYP provides technical customer support through a chat box feature. The user is asked for name, email, university, and the nature of their issue. Average response times during regular business hours is anywhere from 3 to 60 minutes. After hour support issues are handled on the next business day.
Institution IT Support
Little to no additional IT support is required from an institution’s IT department. The only area that may need IT support is with SSO/LTI integration setup.
How do you maintain privacy and confidentiality?
Exploring Your Potential is acutely sensitive to privacy information and federal compliance. All of the data will be maintained within a SOX-compliant framework on a secure server system.
How does Exploring Your Potential™ differ from other related services?
Books and other related career readiness materials typically cost a lot more and require instruction and dedicated counseling. Moreover, these materials typically focus on the standard formula of resume writing, interviewing skills, and perhaps campus-based recruiting efforts. We go far beyond this expensive and traditional approach with an organic, holistic, and tactically proven way to engage people in thinking about their future.
Are you providing specific employment opportunities in the courses?
No. We are teaching people to fish. The courses help you understand your career potential in the context of global possibilities. They shape and broaden your perspectives so that when it comes to finding specific employment or making career choices, you are more capable, proactive, and independent in your efforts.
Do I have to take each Exploring Your Potential™ course in any particular order?
We do recommend that the courses be completed in successive order, as the conversations and lessons build upon one another. Even if you do not take all four courses, each one has standalone value as an independent learning experience.
Is it possible to obtain only one or two modules within a course?
No. Each course with its six modules is designed to be completed in its entirety and we are not providing these module-by-module.
How long do I have access to my Exploring Your Potential™ course materials?
You will retain access to previously completed course materials and results for up to 2 years (24 months) between events. OR for the duration of the subscription.