Welcome to the Exploring Your Potential™ Tutor Doctor Bootcamp
Tutor Doctor Bootcamp
January 29th to March 4th, 2020 (Completed)
Weekly Wednesday meetings 4:30pm PST / 7:30pm EST (90 min sessions)
Week 1 – Completed
Wednesday 1/29 4:30-6 pm Pacific / 7:30-9 pm Eastern
- Who Are You?
- Dream Big
- Overcoming Obstacles
Work is due on 2/3
Week 2 – Completed
Wednesday 2/5 4:30-6 pm Pacific / 7:30-9 pm Eastern
- The Opportunity Spectrum
- Power of Information
- Take a Taste
Work is due on 2/10
Week 3 – Completed
Wednesday 2/12 4:30-6 pm Pacific / 7:30-9 pm Eastern
- What Do You Have to Offer?
- Earning Credibility & Respect
- Core Competencies
Work is due on 2/17
Week 4
Wednesday 2/19 4:30-6 pm Pacific / 7:30-9 pm Eastern
- Master Your Universe
- Real World University
- Building Your Network
Work is due on 2/24
Week 5
Wednesday 2/26 4:30-6 pm Pacific / 7:30-9 pm Eastern
- Recognize Opportunity – problems I want to solve
- Manage Your Social Network
- Think like an Entrepreneur
- Earn Manage & Raise Money
Final meetup and review, presentations, certificates – 3/1
Welcome to week 1 of the Exploring Your Potential™ – Tutor Doctor Bootcamp. This recording covers Course 1, Modules 1 -Who Are You?, Module 2 – Dream Big, Module 3 – Overcoming Obstacles.
Welcome to week 2 of the Exploring Your Potential™ – Tutor Doctor Bootcamp. This recording covers Course 1, Modules 4 -The Opportunity Spectrum, Module 5 – The Power of Information, Module 6 – Take a Taste.
Welcome to week 3 of the Exploring Your Potential™ – Tutor Doctor Bootcamp. This recording covers a deeper dive into Course 1, Module 4 -The Opportunity Spectrum. It also covers Course 2: Module 2 Earning Credibility and Respect, and Module 4 Core Competencies.
Welcome to week 4 of the Exploring Your Potential™ – Tutor Doctor Bootcamp. This recording covers a deeper dive into Course 2, Module 3: Core Competencies, Module 4: Real World University, and Module 6: Build Your Network.
Welcome to week 5 of the Exploring Your Potential™ – Tutor Doctor Bootcamp.
Week 5 recording of the Tutor Doctor Bootcamp.
This recording covers the following modules:
– Recognize Opportunity – problems I want to solve
– Manage Your Social Network
– Think like an Entrepreneur
– Earn Manage & Raise Money