Exploring Your Potential™ teaches insights that take successful people a lifetime to learn, including how to articulate the value you have to offer, get paid for your work, create the most compelling social media profiles, build an income around your lifestyle, figure out what’s in the way of your success, decide if a more entrepreneurial route makes sense for you, and identify the people most likely to help you find your next job or position.
About the creator of Exploring Your Potential™
Created by Jennifer Kushell, a global thought leader on youth empowerment, employment and entrepreneurship.
Over the past two decades (since she was in college) Jennifer has sculpted groundbreaking campaigns around youth empowerment, employment and entrepreneurship, bringing educational, government and corporate stakeholders together to impact millions. Author of the New York Times Bestseller Secrets of the Young & Successful, Kushell is an advisor to leading global youth organizations, a delegate of several State Department led entrepreneurship missions, and a Youth Advisor at the UN. Building EYP is part of a lifelong quest to ensure no driven young person lacks access to opportunity to achieve their potential.
Students are intimately coached through Exploring Your Potential™ by Jennifer, who offers context, explains the relevance of key topics, and inspires action every step of the way.